He Will.

I Kings 17: 14 “For thus says the Lord God of Israel, The bowl of flour shall not be exhausted nor shall the jar of oil be empty until the day that the Lord sends rain on the face of the earth.” NAS

He will not leave me hungry or cold. 

He will not leave me hungry. 

He will not leave me. 

He will not leave. 

He will not. 

He will. 


The sum of my days can be summed up in this  paraphrased promise given to Elijah when he was in a desert of not finding or hearing from God.  God commanded him to go somewhere and hide east of the Jordan by a brook.  God commanded birds, big black ravens, to feed him.  Then the brook dried up.  God told him to take a trip.  Remember, he was hungry and thirsty and was asked to travel 80 miles on faith.  God commanded a widow to provide for him.  She was pretty doubtful as she had nothing to give and was even preparing to die herself.  But God.  Those are my two favorite words in Scripture.  But God, gave Elijah some instructions to take what little she had left of flour and oil and make bread, first for Elijah and then for her family.  And they ate for many days.  I Kings 17:17 “The bowl of flour was not exhausted nor did the jar of oil become empty according to the word of the Lord which He spoke through Elijah.” NAS   He will not leave me hungry or cold.  He will.  

When have you been broken, hungry, and cold?  When did the brook “dry up” for you?  How often have you accepted God’s food in tiny morsels that a bird could bring? 

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