Birthday Hike

Genesis 25:8 “Abraham breathed his last, an old man and satisfied with life.”

“Another Birthday?”  “You are how old”?  “You look great!”  39 again?  Comments heard at aging celebrations range from teasing, joking, feel-good to morose, “Am I still here?”  We all delight in one more year of life as long as it is good, healthy, prosperous, and fun.  This last year has been none of that.  It has been hard, mentally challenging, total unemployment and a grind.  Still the birthday comes to celebrate or not.  Being satisfied with life takes us to the place of remembrance of both good and bad years in our life.  The old saying “how could I appreciate the sunshine without the rain?” makes more sense as the years pile up.

I ended my day celebration with a walk in the hills behind my neighborhood.  I borrowed from his backyard confinement Max, the incredible running Red Husky, and drove to the top of the hill.  I am no longer a purist that wants to take the dog, pulling on the leash, from my door to the beginning of the off –lead trail.  We want to enjoy, run, and breathe the trail.   The snow is melting in this early Spring thaw in the Rockies and Pikes Peak is more than fifty percent bare of white reflections.  The day is warm enough for a light jacket and cold enough for a hood.  Max does not run with gentle pitter-patter of feet.  Galloping at full speed behind me, I feel him before he passes me.  Full-bore.  On a mission.  Feel the life force.  Stop. Smell.  Release.  Chase.  Explore.  Never change lanes with a Husky coming full-bore behind you.  I am just saying…..

What do you do to celebrate your birthdays?  How do you remember your last year?  Were you satisfied?   How do you anticipate and plan for the next year?   When you celebrate, do you include time in nature?

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